About Us
We present a worldview, by which, we want to help anyone, regardless of their belief, religion, race and gender, to find the real and satisfactory life at any stage of life, and under any circumstances. This may be achieved through the human experience of knowing God and choosing Him as a center of his life
Zoe is a small Greek word with a big meaning. Simply put, Zoe means LIFE. Not just life as we think of it (living or being alive), but the word Zoe means eternal LIFE, never-ending LIFE, God’s life. Zoe is LIFE as God has in Himself! The God kind of LIFE
.Zoe is also the name of our mother Eve, in Greek language, because she is the mother of all the living
?What do you want to be when you grow up
.It is a coming question that heard many time while we grow up
The real question is, not what we want to do, but what we need to do to kind of work that will make me satisfied or will help me to live the kind of life, which I dreamed for. This life could be, owning a house, family, possessions, friends, power, fame, status or money
?What is your heart desire in life
Some of us achieved the kind of work they desired, but the real heart desire for life is the most important thing. Your heart desire cannot be achieved through work, money, status or power
ZoeHayat, believes that the hidden desire in the heart of every human being is a desire for LIFE, in its lofty, saturated, full of splendor, truth and beauty
.(The Bible Said: “For those who find me find lifeand receive favor from the Lord.” (Proverb 8: 35
.(Jesus said: “For life is more than food, …” (Luke 12: 23
The Psalmist said
.(You make known to me the path of life;you will fill me with joy in your presence,with eternal pleasures at your right hand. (Psalm 16: 11
.(As the deer pants for streams of water,so my soul pants for you, my God.My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.When can I go and meet with God? (Psalm 42: 1, 2
:The, the holy scripture told us about the verse that we choose as our motto
.(In him was life (John 1: 4
:Which means
.The absolute, true, authentic reality from which all things derive is a living being
This is a call for a creative, high dialogue with everyone, regardless of compatibility or difference. The purpose is to arrive at this kind of life, which is filled with truth, full of splendor, truth and beauty

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